We’ve written about Dyson’s insanely expensive, air-purifying face-mask-headset combo before. When I saw photos online, the headphones looked comically obtrusive. But in person, the headphones are … not that bad! Wearing them feels just like wearing a pair of high-end, over-the-ear wireless headphones—ones with a plastic ring that bathes your facial orifices in a steadily flowing stream of freshness. Of course, the mask is meant to provide fresh air in polluted environments, so it is not enclosed or sealed and does not protect you or others from transmitting or getting Covid, like, at all. That’s why Dyson recently added the Community Face Mask, which clips into the mouthpiece and sits over your mouth and nose. But regardless of what you might think about how it looks (or the $949 price tag!), it is a pretty remarkable feat of engineering to get a Dyson air-purifying filter that tiny. —Adrienne So