How to make folders on an iPhone
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How to make folders on an iPhone
Image: Maria Diaz/ZDNET
ZDNET Recommends
Grouping apps into folders is a great step toward organizing your iPhone, and simplifying your experience on it.
I loved when iOS started automatically grouping apps in the App Library, because I have always been a fan of keeping apps in the same category together.
There are two kinds of iPhone users in the world: those who go through their folders to find an app, and those who search for the app by name.
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I am definitely in the first group. Here are instructions to follow if you, too, want to be in the first group or just like a tidy-looking home screen.
How to make app folders on iPhone
Step 1: Tap and hold your iPhone home screen until your apps begin to wiggle
The jiggling happens when the apps enter Edit mode, where you can move them around and delete or group them.
Image: Maria Diaz/ZDNET
Step 2: Press on an app and drag it to another app to group them together
To start grouping your apps, find two that you want to put together. I’m going to group LG ThinQ and Yale, since they’re both smart home apps.
Press and hold down one of the apps you want to group with another and drag it until it’s hovering over the other one.
Image: Maria Diaz/ZDNET
Step 3: Drop the app into the created folder
A folder will be created for both apps; you can rename the folder and exit it by touching anywhere outside of it.
Image: Maria Diaz/ZDNET
Folders behave like apps when rearranging. So if you want to move the folder to a different spot, just hold your home screen again until the apps wiggle, then drag the folder to the new location.
Can you put a folder in a folder on iPhone?
It is possible to put a folder inside another one on your iPhone. Once you’ve created both folders, you can repeat the steps above and drop one folder into the other.
Remember, folders behave like apps. So the apps from both folders won’t consolidate into one folder; there will be one folder inside another one.