Best Shave Club for 2023: Dollar Shave Club, Harry's and More - CNET
Billie’s ambition as a shave club is to provide quality women’s razors and body care products that don’t cost more than men’s. Women’s personal care and shaving products are often subject to the “pink tax,” meaning they cost more simply because they are marketed to women.
The brand sells one style of razor, available in Instagram-worthy five colors. It has five blades and a band of charcoal soap around the blades to help the razor slide easily for a comfortable shave.
Billie’s $10 starter kit includes a handle, two cartridges and a magnetic holder to store the razor in your shower. The company then sends you four replacement cartridges monthly (or whatever frequency you choose to get a blade refill), which also cost $10. Billie also sells body lotion, body wash and shave cream.
What I particularly love about this company is that it celebrates and normalizes women’s body hair, whether you choose to shave or not, with its Project Body Hair campaign. Anyone can submit a photo of their body hair, and you can see photos from others who’ve contributed. In a society that often demonizes any kind of physical flaw on women, this approach is frankly refreshing.