Aerospike adds connector for Elasticsearch to run full-text queries
Aerospike on Tuesday said it was adding a new connector, Aerospike Connect, for Elasticsearch to help developers run full-text search queries.
Elasticsearch, which is an Apache Lucene-based search engine, can be used to run full-text search queries on JSON documents through a web interface. Apache Lucene is a free and open source software library used to build foundation for non-research search applications.
Aerospike Connect for Elasticsearch is designed to help developers leverage Elasticsearch to run full text-based searches on real-time data stored in Aerospike Database 6, the latest from the company’s stable that adds native JSON support.
“With enterprises around the world rapidly adopting the Aerospike Real-Time Data Platform, there is a growing demand for high-speed and highly reliable full-text search capabilities on data stored in Aerospike Database 6,” Subbu Iyer, CEO of Aerospike, said in a press note.
Elasticsearch, which was initially released in 2010, recently changed its operating license to move from an open source practice to “some rights reserved” licensing. AWS responded to this by forking Elasticsearch, resulting in a “truly open source” OpenSearch. However, Elasticsearch and its code continues to be popular with developers.
At a time when data generation is growing at an unprecedented rate, adding full-text searches to Aerospike’s database unlocks more value for developers and enterprises as full-text searches can reveal more information than abstract searches or smaller string searches, the company said. The extra information is often indexed and its relation to the search string is also shown in the results, giving the application user more insights for strategic planning.
Some of the use cases for Aerospike Connect include improved customer experience for e-commerce companies, enhanced self-service or customer support, and unified search across multiple productivity tools, Aerospike said.