Samsung Issues Fix for Dying 980 Pro SSDs

Samsung Issues Fix for Dying 980 Pro SSDs

  • While mine is only a 1TB, there is no new firmware as of yet.


  • USAFRet said:

    While mine is only a 1TB, there is no new firmware as of yet.

    Something is wrong here. I have the same drive and have the latest driver, probably came with the drive since it is only 2 months old but still.

    Edit : For some reason it is not in the support of the drive directly but here :
    Still odd that you have an outdated Magician and firmware.


  • Samsung should replace the affected drives do to premature failure. No if ands or buts.

    My Samsung magician says I can’t run diagnostics on my 970 evo plus because I don’t have the latest firmware. Yet when I go to the firmware page it says “you have the latest firmware” go figure.

    Not a good look Samsung


  • Can hardly wait to see what happens when people start to benchmark these after the firmware “fix”…


  • I had a 980 pro 2tb die last year with those symptoms. My replacement has been fine but it has the newer firmware, so hopefully it’s safe.


  • Well this explains what happened to my first one. I had the 2tb pcie 4 980 pro when it first came out … it didn’t last a year until it went into read only mode. I was able to connect it to an external and download the data off of it but I could not boot from the drive or manipulate the data (Delete, Format, etc). Samsung couldn’t (or wouldn’t) send me a new replacement drive, they just refunded me what I paid for the drive, fortunately I was able to buy 2 new drives for the same price as the 1 original. Both have the current firmware.


  • I have 2 980 Pros in my PC. The other day Magician pops up and says there’s an update. Clicked the pop-up and it showed no update available.


  • I have had nothing but bad experiences with Samsung.

    Bought 2 Samsung SSD, both died within 2 years.

    Had a Samsung Galaxy phone, it developed the famous Samsung battery bloating problem.

    My current SSD is from WD, and my smartphone from OnePlus. No problems.


  • Admin said:

    Samsung 980 Pros can go into a read-only failure mode that can make data recovery difficult, if not impossible. A firmware fix is now available.

    Samsung Issues Firmware Fix for 980 Pro SSD Failures : Read more

    read-only access makes the boot drive unusable. Unfortunately, once your 980 Pro goes into this failure state, there is no way to recover your data

    That was written by a senior editor at Tom’s Hardware… It locks in”Read Only” mode specifically so you can recover data. Kinda dumb to call a mode “Read Only” if the data cant be read and if the data can be read it can be recovered.

    Quick question: What does that guys job pay?


  • Hey! Thank you for this article. I’ve got 3 of the dang things in my machine. All updated now. Hopefully I’m safe. Won’t be buying any more from them.


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