Save $500 on a top home theater projector before the Big Game
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Save $500 on a top home theater projector at B&H before the Big Game
If you’re hoping to upgrade your home entertainment setup before the Super Bowl, you don’t have long. However, it’s still possible to pick up a last-minute deal on kit including TVs and home projectors.
Over at B&H, we’ve spotted a time-limited deal on the BenQ HT3550 4K UHD home theater projector. You would typically pay just under $1700 for the device, but the US retailer is offering $500 off, bringing the cost down to $1200.
The BenQ HT3550 4K UHD home theater projector offers users a 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) resolution, a brightness of 2000 ANSI lumens, a 30,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, HDR10 & HLG format compatibility, and zoom capabilities. There is a built-in stereo and an optional analog audio output, HDMI inputs, and a remote control. You can connect the projector to devices such as gaming consoles, media players, and cable or satellite boxes.
The sale ends on February 9.
Also: Interested in 4K projectors? We found the top ones for your home theater
ZDNET Recommends
If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly alternative, B&H is also offering a smaller discount on the BenQ HT2050A DLP home theater projector. This projector provides a Full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution. Normally, you would pay $749, but you can save $50 and pay only $699 until February 9.
Also: The 5 best portable projectors: Entertainment anywhere
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