Creating a Strong Password: A Guide to Online Security
Everyone knows that in today’s digital age it is more important than ever to have a strong password. Today a lot of confidential and personal information of many users, including each of us, is stored on the Internet, so it is very important to protect yourself from cybercriminals, who sometimes do not need to steal your identity to get access to your photos, bank accounts and so on. If you want to know how to make a strong password, it is your first line of defense against these threats. It is very important for every Internet user to create a password that is both memorable and, most importantly, secure.
Cybercrime is a growing concern, and hackers are becoming more sophisticated in their methods. Moreover, according to a recent study, a staggering 81% of data breaches are due to weak or stolen passwords. This underscores the importance of creating a strong password that can resist cybercriminals’ attempts to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.
So, what makes a strong password?
Here are some key tips to keep in mind:
Length: When you set a long one, it is logically more difficult to crack than a short one. We advise you to make your password at least 12 characters long. The longer your password is, the harder it is to crack, which makes it harder for hackers.
Complexity: A strong password usually includes a combination of different case letters, symbols, and numbers. For example, you can use the first letters of a phrase, using symbols and punctuation, such as “!”, “@”, “#” and so on, as well as the month and day of a significant date. For example, the password “!IaRfBohL!@0216! will be considered as safe enough. But, you should avoid using easily guessed information such as your name or address, as such information can be found on your social networks. Instead, try to use random character combinations.
Uniqueness: You should not use the same password for multiple accounts. If a hacker gets access to one of your passwords, they will try to use it on other sites. This is why it’s important to use different passwords for each online account.
Avoid common words: Common words and phrases are easily guessed by hackers, so try to use random character combinations. Words such as “password” and “123456” should be avoided at all costs as much as “qwerty1234” and “admin”.
Now that you know what makes a strong password, let’s talk about how to create one. Here’s a simple, easy-to-follow process:
Add symbols and numbers: To make your password even stronger, add symbols and numbers to your phrase. For example, you could replace certain letters with symbols or numbers that look similar. Also, you could use a number “0” instead of the letter “o”.
Mix case: To add an extra layer of security, use a mix of upper and lowercase letters in your password. This makes it more difficult for hackers to guess your password, as they would have to try multiple combinations of upper and lowercase letters.
Think of a memorable phrase: Choose a phrase that you’ll remember, such as a favorite song lyric or a quote from a movie.
Make it unique: To ensure that your password is unique, add extra characters or change the order of each character in your phrase. For example, you could add your favorite symbol at the end of your password, or reverse order of the characters in your phrase.
Use a password manager: Almost any Password Manager can help you create strong, unique passwords for all your accounts and store them securely. This is especially useful if you have a large number of online accounts, as it can be difficult to remember different complex passwords for each one.
With so many hacks and leaks occurring regularly, the need to create strong passwords is more important than ever. These steps that we shared with you will give you a good opportunity to have a strong password that you can easily remember and, most importantly, that will keep your online accounts secure.
If you follow our recommendations and use some basic methods for maintaining passwords, your account should already be secure. Of course, there are many other tips, but if you can follow the basic steps we’ve outlined in this article, you should be able to keep your account as safe as possible under all circumstances. Also, don’t forget to update your password at least once in a while. We recommend doing this at least each 6 months. This will help further improve your online security as cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new ways to gain access to sensitive information.