Wean Khing Wong ’84
Wean Khing Wong, an attorney, mediator, speaker, and life coach, knows from personal experience that there are many ways to support the institutions and ideals that are important to you. As founder and former president of the MIT Chinese Alumni Group—which alumni and students of any ethnic background are welcome to join—she has produced free public educational programming for nearly 6,000 members worldwide. Wong has also established a bequest to MIT, allowing both her and the Institute to plan for the future.
Opening the world. MIT’s policy of guaranteeing financial support for every accepted student played a significant role in Wong’s desire to give back to the Institute through a bequest. “I want other students to have the fortune and privilege of attending MIT and to have their world open up like mine did,” she says. Her gift complements the work of the MIT Chinese Alumni group, which she views as another way of opening up the world through education. “The group’s programming continues to form a bridge for mutual understanding that contributes to creating a better world for all,” she says.
Lasting impact. “At MIT, I learned how to think, analyze, write, speak, and be creative and fair,” says Wong. “My professors have had a lasting impact on me not only by imparting these skills, but also through their dedication to their work and the world.” She believes that MIT alumni are well positioned to effect positive change through their actions. “A person doesn’t have to give a lot of money to make a difference,” she says.
Help MIT build a better world. For more information, contact Liz Vena: 617.324.9228; evena@mit.edu. Or visit http://giving.mit.edu.
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