Bing, Bard, and ChatGPT: AI chatbots are rewriting the internet
Big players including Microsoft, with its new Bing (or is it Sydney?), Google, with Bard, and OpenAI, with ChatGPT are making AI chatbot technology previously restricted to test labs more accessible to the general public.
How do these Large Language Model (LLM) programs work? OpenAI’s GPT-3 told us that AI uses “a series of autocomplete-like programs to learn language” and that these programs analyze “the statistical properties of the language” to “make educated guesses based on the words you’ve typed previously.”
Or, in the words of James Vincent, a human person, “These AI tools are vast autocomplete systems, trained to predict which word follows the next in any given sentence. As such, they have no hard-coded database of ‘facts’ to draw on — just the ability to write plausible-sounding statements. This means they have a tendency to present false information as truth since whether a given sentence sounds plausible does not guarantee its factuality.”
But there are so many more pieces to the AI landscape that are coming into play — and there are going to be problems — but you can be sure to see it all unfold here on The Verge.
Feb 23, 2023, 4:34 PM UTCTom Warren
Microsoft has been secretly testing its Bing chatbot ‘Sydney’ for years
Microsoft’s Bing AI chatbot history dates back at least six years, with Sydney first appearing in 2021.
External Link Can you think like an AI?The game is to guess the secret word. The hitch is that the AI is classifying what words are alike. Yesterday’s word was “grasshopper,” and the AI thought “ant” was closer than “cricket.” Maybe that’s true if you’re analyzing texts to predict the next word — after all, there’s a fable about an ant and a grasshopper — but “cricket” and “grasshopper” are synonyms!
Feb 22, 2023, 2:35 PM UTCJames Vincent
Bing’s chat mode is now on mobile — and you can speak to it
Yes, you can now speak directly to Bing or add it to a Skype conversation if you’re feeling particularly lonely.
Feb 22, 2023, 12:25 PM UTCJames Vincent
China regulators rein in AI chatbots over fears of uncensored replies: report
Chinese tech giants have reportedly been told not to offer public access to the US-developed ChatGPT. These companies have already had to censor the output of AI tools like image generators.
SMicrosoft broke the fun Bing game.
Remember that cool video game where we could pretend a chatbot was an AI with multiple personalities and watch it play along?
While Microsoft has only publicly admitted to playing with how many turns you get and tweaking the AI’s “tone”, the reality is that Bing just doesn’t answer fun questions like those anymore. It’ll end the conversation as soon as you ask one. Lame!
Quote If you need to use AI to respond to a tragedy, maybe it’s better to say nothing at all.The Vanderbilt Hustler reports the school’s Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is apologizing after sending a message regarding the shooting at Michigan State University that was “paraphrased” from OpenAI’s ChatGPT model (via Gizmodo).
The generic-sounding email lacks any kind of personal touch, and responses to it reflect that, as noted by this quote from Vanderbilt student Laith Kayat:
Deans, provosts, and the chancellor: Do more. Do anything. And lead us into a better future with genuine, human empathy, not a robot
Image: Peabody Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) -
Feb 21, 2023, 7:44 PM UTCRichard Lawler
Microsoft is already undoing some of the limits it placed on Bing AI
Last week, Microsoft limited how much people could talk to Bing, and after complaints, it’s expanding access again.
Twitter AI-spam has driven one of the best science fiction and fantasy magazines to close submissions.Clarkesworld has always been a great place to submit your short fiction because they respond fast and pay well. There’s not a lot of waiting to learn if you’ve been accepted or not. Unfortunately, the Hugo-winning magazine has been forced to temporarily stop accepting submissions because it was getting hit with too many AI-generated submissions. Submissions will reopen eventually, but editor Neil Clarke says the current tools for spotting AI-generated submissions aren’t “reliable enough.”
Feb 17, 2023, 11:27 PM UTCTom Warren
Microsoft limits Bing chat to five replies to stop the AI from getting real weird
Microsoft’s new limits mean Bing chatbot users can only ask a maximum of five questions per session and 50 in total per day.
Feb 17, 2023, 3:51 PM UTCJames Vincent
Introducing the AI Mirror Test, which very smart people keep failing
Chatbots like Bing are software — not sentient.
Feb 17, 2023, 10:56 AM UTCJames Vincent
As conservatives criticize ‘woke AI,’ here are ChatGPT’s rules for answering culture war queries
AI speech is another front in America’s culture wars
External Link “They don’t actually tell us this is Bard, but this has Bard’s fingerprints all over it.”AI is based on low-paid labor. This interview with one of the people who help decide what Google will show you is worth a read — for starters, he says he makes $3 less per hour than his daughter, who works in fast food.
Feb 16, 2023, 11:52 PM UTCSean Hollister
Microsoft’s Bing AI plotted its revenge and offered me furry porn
We’re enjoying this hallucination.
Feb 16, 2023, 3:21 PM UTCAdi Robertson
AI search engines are not your friends
A search engine that guilt-trips you isn’t just creepy — it’s bad product design.
Feb 16, 2023, 3:01 PM UTCAdi Robertson
The Supreme Court could be about to decide the legal fate of AI search
Are the robots responsible for what they say?
Feb 16, 2023, 11:14 AM UTCTom Warren
Microsoft says talking to Bing for too long can cause it to go off the rails
Microsoft says the new AI-powered Bing is getting daily improvements as it responds to feedback on mistakes, tone, and data.
Feb 15, 2023, 4:54 PM UTCJames Vincent
Microsoft’s Bing is an emotionally manipulative liar, and people love it
Microsoft’s AI chatbot has been online for less than a fortnight and is already going wild.
Feb 15, 2023, 1:02 PM UTCTom Warren
Here’s why you’re still waiting for Bing AI
Microsoft says it’s now testing the new Bing in 169 countries and that millions have signed up to the waitlist.
Twitter We’re all living through our own personal AI hype cycle.If you’ve been playing around with ChatGPT or Bing’s AI chatbot you’ll know exactly what this guy is talking about. Also, “spicy autocomplete” is very good — apologies if we steal that Mike.
TikTok -
Feb 14, 2023, 6:19 PM UTCMia Sato
BuzzFeed’s first AI-generated articles are ad-lib quizzes
The website announced last month that it would use OpenAI tools to assist with content creation.
Feb 14, 2023, 6:01 PM UTCTom Warren
These are Microsoft’s Bing AI secret rules and why it says it’s named Sydney
Bing AI often refers to itself as Sydney, but Microsoft says that was an internal codename for a chat experience it was previously working on.
JDo my AI’s deceive me, or have my AIs been deceived?
Scientists at the University of Chicago have created Glaze, a tool that could help artists prevent their artwork from being replicated by AI art generators by invisibly mimicking a different art style.
Glaze isn’t available just yet and the team acknowledges it isn’t a perfect solution, but it could help bridge the gap while copyright protections catch up with generative AI technology.
Glazed artwork looks completely unchanged to the naked eye, but pixel-level alterations can fool AI art generators into emulating a different art style. Image: Ben Zhao -
Feb 14, 2023, 10:58 AM UTCTom Warren
Microsoft’s Bing AI, like Google’s, also made dumb mistakes during first demo
Bing AI users have found that Microsoft’s chatbot is making a lot of mistakes. It even made financial errors during Microsoft’s first demos.
Feb 11, 2023, 9:59 PM UTCEmma Roth
Opera’s building ChatGPT into its sidebar
The company’s testing a new AI-powered ‘shorten’ feature that provides bulleted summaries of the article or webpage you’re reading.