Apple unveiled its classical music app. Here's a sneak peek
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Apple unveiled its classical music app. Here’s a sneak peek
If you are an Apple Music user, you may have noticed a new category on your Apple Music search page labeled Apple Music Classical, leading you to Apple’s latest announcement — it’s new classical music app is dropping at the end of the month.
Introducing Apple Music Classical, the new app designed specifically for classical music. Pre-order today on the @AppStore.
— Apple Music Classical (@AppleClassical) March 9, 2023
On Mar. 28, Apple will release its brand new app, Apple Music Classical, which will include the world’s largest classical musical catalog with over 5 million tracks, according to Apple.
The catalog will be available in Apple’s highest sound quality including Spatial Audio with Dolby Atmos and Lossless Audio.
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The app will be suited for both seasoned classical music listeners and newcomers to the genre with tailored recommendations and curated playlists that will help users navigate the expansive selection.
Apple music subscribers with individual, student, family, or Apple One plans will be able to access the app and entire music catalog at no additional cost. Apple Music plans start at $5.99 per month for students and $10.99 per month for individual plans.
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The app is currently available for free pre-order in the App Store for iPhone. The listing gives the public a sneak peak of what the app will look like and what features it will have.
The UI looks to be very similar to that of the Apple Music app including essentials playlists, Listen Now, Search and Browse tabs and individual artist pages.