LinkedIn is adding AI tools for generating profile copy and job descriptions

LinkedIn is adding AI tools for generating profile copy and job descriptions

LinkedIn is expanding its suite of artificial intelligence features, this time adding tools that will generate content for user profiles and job descriptions.

One tool announced today will scan user profiles for skills and experiences and spit out suggested copy or summaries to add to other profile sections. The company says it still recommends users review and edit what the tool has generated “to ensure it is accurate and aligns with your tone and experience.” LinkedIn will begin testing the tool starting today and expand access to all LinkedIn Premium subscribers over the course of the next few months.

Another employment tool promises to make writing job descriptions “faster and easier” and “streamline” the hiring process. Employers will provide information about the role, including title and company name, and LinkedIn’s tool will generate a description that the hiring manager can then edit.

LinkedIn’s AI tool generating profile text.
LinkedIn’s AI tool generating profile text.
GIF: LinkedIn

Using automation tools in the hiring process is nothing new, and there’s a good chance that your applications to jobs have been screened by a machine looking for relevant keywords or seeking to rank candidates. LinkedIn’s own recruiting systems have used AI tools to suggest candidates for years.

These profile and job description tools are just the latest in a slew of AI-powered features the company has announced recently: earlier this month, LinkedIn said it would use AI systems to generate prompts for “collaborative” articles, which human users can contribute to. And LinkedIn parent company Microsoft is pouring billions of dollars into OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT and the underlying GPT models LinkedIn’s tools use.

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