Puppy and Classes - The Month in Review
Good evening from Maine where the sun has set on the month of March. The month for me can be summarized by “puppy” and “classes.” We got a new dog this month. His name is Rangeley Noodle and he has an Instagram account. This month I hosted a new professional development course on PracticalEdTech.com. Dozens of you supported my work by joining that course or one of my self-paced courses. Thank you!
These were the most popular posts in March:
1. A Round-up of Pi Day Resources
2. Hello History – An AI App for Chatting With Historical Figures
3. AI Tools are Coming to Google Workspace Tools
4. How to Add Q&A to Your Google Slides Presentations
5. Changes are Coming to Your Favorite Google Workspace Tools
6. An Overview of Using and Detecting Artificial Intelligence
7. A Lesson in Writing Myths
8. Three Activities All Teachers Can Create in TeacherMade
9. 167 Math In “Real Life” Lessons
10. 15 Microsoft Forms Tutorials for Teachers
- The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter comes out every Sunday evening/ Monday morning. It features my favorite tip of the week and the week’s most popular posts from Free Technology for Teachers.
- My YouTube channel has more than 45,000 subscribers watching my short tutorial videos on a wide array of educational technology tools.
- I’ve been Tweeting as @rmbyrne for fifteen years.
- I update my LinkedIn profile a time or two every week.
- The Free Technology for Teachers Facebook page features new and old posts from this blog throughout the week.
- If you’re curious about my life outside of education, you can follow me on Strava.
This post originally appeared on FreeTech4Teachers.com. If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Featured image captured by Richard Byrne.