You'll never guess how many tech repair tools this little bag can fit
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You’ll never guess how many tech repair tools this little bag can fit
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
To mark its 20th anniversary, gadget repair company iFixit has given its Repair Business Toolkit a 2023 refresh.
Aimed at professionals and amateur enthusiasts alike, if you’re looking for an entire tech repair shop of tools in a single messenger bag, this is the toolkit for you. $300 might seem like a lot of money, and it is, but here you’re getting your money’s worth with these tools — tools that you’ll be using to repair things in a decade or two.
Also: My favorite tech repair tool just got smaller, and better
I’m not kidding here, I have a Pro Tech Toolkit that has to be ten years old now that’s still going strong, along with a Mako and Manta kit that are not far off the same age, and all are still going strong.
I’ve just taken delivery of one of these updated Repair Business Toolkits and I’m absolutely blown away by the quantity and quality of the tools you get in this one messenger bag.
![iFixit's updated Repair Business Toolkit](
iFixit Repair Business Toolkit
Everything you need to open up and repair modern gadgets, from PCs to laptops to smartphones, this kit can help you fix it all!
The kit begins with a padded, easy-to-open, messenger bag that puts the tools you need in close reach. It’s made of tough nylon, making the bag durable enough to both store your tools and take them from job to job.
The bag only comes in this black color, which is fine!
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
Let’s start digging through this bag of awesome and see what we find in there!
First up, there’s a multimeter, used for measuring voltages and current. The unit is nice and well-made, and you even get the batteries!
Here’s what the multimeter looks like.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
Next up, a set of 15 precision screwdrivers! I like these a lot, not only because they are sturdy in the hand but because each one is clearly labeled on the sides!
All the iFixit precision screwdrivers.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
Inside is also an antistatic mat that acts as a workspace when you’re away from your bench.
The portable anti-static mat in iFixIt’s signature blue color.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
There’s also an iOpener, a tablet opening tool designed to apply heat directly and evenly to case components joined with adhesive. These are microwavable and apply just enough warmth for easy part removals.
iOpener tool for opening tablets.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
And that’s just what’s in the front compartment of the bag!
Also: Repairing electronics with the wrong tools can be dangerous. How to stay safe
Let’s delve into the main compartment. Here’s a list of every product that’s included.
- A set of digital calipers for precision measuring
- A pack of microfiber cloths for cleaning
- An ‘Anti-Clamp Tool’ to safely remove screens from phones
- A Pro Tech Toolkit that contains screwdrivers, prybars, and other repair trinkets
- A bottle of screen cleaner
- A handy magnetic project tray to keep all your screws and bits organized
- Suction cups that come in handy when removing displays from laptops, monitors, and all-in-one PCs
- A tool for magnetizing and demagnetizing screwdrivers.
- A roll of non-conductive polyamide tape and double-sided Tesa tape
- An insert that holds things like tweezers, a dust blower, plastic prybars, a brush, a knife, and other bits and bobs (see below)
An assortment of random — but useful — tools.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
Lastly, there’s a repair manifesto poster!
The Repair Manifesto poster.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
Oh, and if you’re one of the first 200 to buy the Repair Business Toolkit, you also get a limited-edition patch.
Limited edition iFixit patch.
Adrian Kingsley-Hughes/ZDNET
IFixit’s tools have helped keep countless devices out of the junk pile, and I’m sure that this kit will help keep a whole lot more items going for a lot longer than manufacturers expect them to live for!