LinkedIn's AI Will Send Messages to Hiring Managers for You – CNET

LinkedIn's AI Will Send Messages to Hiring Managers for You - CNET

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LinkedIn’s AI Will Kick Off Message to the Hiring Manager for You

Draft messages from the AI tool will roll out to Premium users starting Tuesday, according to a post by LinkedIn’s senior director.

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Jessica is a writer on the Wellness team with a focus on health news. Before CNET, she worked in local journalism covering public health issues, business and music.
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Sarah Tew/CNET

If reaching out to the hiring manager in the midst of your job hunt gives you the hives, artificial intelligence may help get the ball rolling. At least, that’s LinkedIn’s aim with a new AI message-writing tool it’s experimenting with. 

In a rollout to LinkedIn’s “premium” users that starts Tuesday, “a highly personalized draft message to get a conversation started” will be created through generative AI, information from your profile, the job description of what you’re applying for and the company in question, according to a post Tuesday by Ora Levit, the company’s senior director and head of Core Growth and Premium. The post was reported earlier by Engadget

Citing the importance of customization, you should take the time to edit the draft “to make it your own and convey your voice,” Levit said. The manager-messaging tool follows LinkedIn’s announcement it will use AI writing to beef up your profile, according to the business and networking platform. 

LinkedIn didn’t immediately respond to a request for additional comment. 

Read more: Generative AI Like ChatGPT Is Popping Up Everywhere. Your Questions Answered 

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