This new AI tool will summarize YouTube videos for you in seconds
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This new AI tool will summarize YouTube videos for you in seconds
Screenshot by Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET
Watching a YouTube video, whether for class, entertainment or research, requires both time and focus — both of which can sometimes be difficult to find.
The Google Chrome extension Eightify is here to help.
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The extension can provide users with YouTube summaries powered by ChatGPT within ten seconds, allowing users to get the key information without having to sit through a long video.
The extension is also free to download, uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT API and has over 40,000 users on Chrome Web Store.
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Because this sounded too good to be true, I put it to the test. To get straight to the point, I was impressed.
Easy Installation
To install the extension, all I had to do was visit Eightify’s page in the Chrome Web Store and click on “Add to Chrome.”
Screenshot by Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET
The installation took under a minute, and I was immediately ready to start using the extension in YouTube.
Side note: Since you do need Chrome to use the extension, if you don’t have that downloaded you will want to install Google Chrome first.
Testing the extension in YouTube
For the sake of this review, I used the extension on ZDNET’s latest YouTube video.
Once I started playing the video in YouTube, an Eightify button appeared in two different spots, on the right hand banner and next to the like and dislike button.
Screenshot by Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET
To get started, I had to create an Eightify account, and once I did I was ready to start the summary generation.
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As advertised, within seconds, the extension took the original eight minute video and condensed it into bullet points under an insights and summary tab.
The summaries were easy to read, insightful and even included fun emojis to enhance reading experience.
Screenshot by Sabrina Ortiz/ZDNET
Now for the most important part — accuracy.
Since I had already watched the entirety of the video beforehand, I was able to read through the Insights and Summary and verify the information.
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The Insights tab was 100% accurate and presented all the major points of the video in a very digestible package. However, the Summary tab has one glaring error.
The second point in the AI-generated summary said, “The Fire HD 10 Plus tablet is a major upgrade with a sleek metal design, 64GB storage, Wi-Fi 6 support, and a fingerprint reader.”
However, what ZDNET contributor Jason Cipriani said in the video was the exact opposite. When he was talking about those specific specs, he was referring to the Fire Max 11. When he did mention the Fire HD 10 Plus, he was actually talking about how underwhelming it was.
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Besides that one error however, everything was accurate and since the Summary does provide timestamps next to every bullet, it is easy to verify the information.
Eightify is free to download from the Chrome Web Store, and you have access to three free summaries per week for videos 30 minutes or shorter.
If you need unlimited summaries with no time limit, you can pay for a subscription at $4.95 per month or $3.95 per month with a yearly subscription.
Final verdict
If you want summaries on YouTube videos, this is a convenient tool.
When I was in college, especially during the height of Covid when professors were constantly posting video lectures, a tool like this would have been extremely helpful in helping me better allocate my time.
The tool would have been helpful even if I did watch the video, because the eight point summaries would have been a great way to ensure that I understood the major points made in the lecture.
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Like any AI model, this one is capable of getting information wrong. An easy way to circumvent this is by using the timestamps next to each summary point to visit the part of the video where that bullet point was taken from.
This way you can either confirm or deny the major point and you can still avoid watching the entirety of the video.