Apple reveals video voicemails for FaceTime users
Apple reveals video voicemails for FaceTime users
Screenshot by Christina Darby/ZDNET
Apple has unveiled a new FaceTime feature designed to help you and anyone who misses your call. Available as part of iOS/iPadOS 17, a new video voicemail option will let you leave a video message for the other person if they don’t answer your call. The video voicemail will allow you to record your message after a certain amount of time has passed with your call unanswered.
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The new voicemail option fixes a problem that has long plagued FaceTime callers. You place a FaceTime video call to someone on your iPhone or iPad, and the person on the other end doesn’t answer.
Right now, there’s no way to leave the person a video or even audio message. All you can do is send them a text message. But with the new feature, you’ll now have a choice of whether or not to leave the other person a message and what type of message to use.
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The new video voicemail should be available with the beta release of iOS/iPadOS 17 and will officially launch when those operating systems hit all iPhone and iPad users later this year.