Make way for a new vegan protein on the menu
Per Solar Foods, the macronutrient composition of Solein cells is very similar to that of dried soy or algae. It also provides iron and B vitamins. So its pitch for the novel ingredient is that it’s rich in the types of nutrients humans often source from animal-derived foodstuffs.
Solein’s sunny upside, however, is this nutrient dense protein does not come chain-linked to the vast environmental, ethical and even health problems attached to industrial animal farming — whether it’s the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest to plant soya to feed beef cattle; the horror of the average slaughterhouse; or the risk that habitat destruction could lead to more viruses making the zoonotic leap from wild animals to humans as wildlife is forced into increasingly closer proximity with people.
Tackling the climate crisis is also of course an absolute economic imperative since the costs of not addressing global warming will be unimaginably greater than if we make the necessary investments to avoid global heating disaster.
While the world keep breaking temperature records, the good news is alternative protein sources do already exist and companies like Solar Foods are working on scaling production.
Demand, however, is a harder nut to crack. But, well, who can resist chocolate ice cream?
The Solein-based gelato now on the menu at Fico was developed by its chef partner, Mirko Febbrile.
“Inspired by the properties of Solein, with its mild aroma and notes of umami that hint at nuttiness and creaminess, chef Mirko explored pairing Solein with an indulgent chocolate flavour to elevate the familiar tastes,” Solar Foods said in a press release.
While when it’s incorporated as an ingredient Solein can add a distinctive yellow-orange color to foods, owning to the betacarotene it naturally contains, Febbrile‘s decision to pair it with chocolate for this Solein Chocolate Gelato means there’s no visual sign it’s in the dish.
As for the taste, we haven’t had a chance to try it, sadly, but judging by the rich chocolate color you’ll probably struggle to distinguish any subtle microbe-enhanced notes underlying the familiar chocolate gelato taste bomb. But we suspect that’ll make this very novel alt protein an easier sell.