Quad 303 and 33: The Budget Audiophiler
I bought mine in the late 70’s. No issues with them and paired with a Rega Planar deck and Spotify from a Samsung a22 I have all the music I want.
Great memories. Had that magnificent combination with a Goldring Lenco 75 source and a pair of monstrous Tannoy Monitor Gold 15’s. Wonderful sound.Built like a tank.Built to last.
Certainly built to last. I’m using my 45 year old set right now. I bought some new Quad speakers about 25 years ago. I don’t expect to ever buy another amplifier or speakers.
My brother has a Linn LP12, LSA/5a’s and the 303/33 very hard to beat. At the time I used an A&R Cambridge A60 with a Linn LP12/Ittock and B&W DM10 speakers. Sounded great, the speakers have long gone but still have the Linn and A60 both still in full working order and with modern speakers sounds great. Unfortunately day to day now is a Chord TT2 fed direct from a PC driving two Cambridge Audio 851W power amps into B&W 705-S2’s…
Bought a 33/303 combo with tuner a couple of years ago. At something like £450 it seemed very reasonable. With an Arcam CDS50 at one end and my ancient mini magneplanars on the other, the sound is excellent and I don’t expect to change anything soon.
I had the 303, 33 & FM3.
Sold the Pre-amp and FM tuner. Kept the 303 and added a 405 and 606. All still working after all these years.
June 10, 2021 at 10:17 pm
Great article, what a cool piece of equipment.