Sivga Luan Open-Back Headphones: Review
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The best audiophile headphones of 2022 include some smaller brands you might not know.
Over-Ear Headphones
Can the $450 Sivga SV023 Headphones compete with some of the best from Sennheiser, Grado, and HiFiMAN in the middle of the market?
New Products
Elevate your headphone listening experience to the audiophile level without the audiophile price with the HIFIMAN Sundara Closed-back Planar Headphones.
CanJam NYC 2022 was held this weekend and the crowds kept coming all weekend long to enjoy the world’s best headphones.
Over-Ear Headphones
If your headphone budget tops out at $400, the HiFiMan Sundara might be the best option right now in audiophile headphones.
New Products
The $1,600 HiFiMan ARYA planar magnetic open-back headphones have been upgraded with stealth magnet technology and are available now.
Headphone Amps
Do you have $4,500 burning a hole in your pocket? The new Audeze LCD-5 headphones have arrived and these are no minor upgrade.