Get this e-bike for under $900 now
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Get this e-bike for under $900 now
Get this e-bike for just $900 now.
With gas prices spiking across the nation, you might be looking for ways to cut commute or travel costs. Have you considered biking? While traditional bikes may have practical limitations, e-bikes with a power boost may be a more realistic alternative.
The BirdBike is a top-choice option, and with this unique deal, you can grab one for just $900 with free shipping.
Go for long rides with an electric power boost
If your commute is on the longer side, or you live in an area with a lot of hills, biking may not be a reasonable transportation option without an e-bike. The BirdBike offers a throttle that you can simply squeeze for an instant boost, to help get to your destination quicker or provide assistance climbing hills.
The BirdBike’s powerful 500W motor reaches up to 20 miles per hour for a range as high as 20 miles. When using just pedal assist mode (that only uses power while you’re pedaling), that distance increases to up to 50 miles. You’ll be able to see speed, distance traveled, and battery life on the LED dash display.
That’s likely plenty of power to get through your daily commute and possibly enough to last an entire week of rides. A removable battery makes recharging quick and simple. Plus, a carbon drivetrain means you won’t have to worry about chain maintenance –Just enjoy riding.
Whether you’re riding the bike to work or running errands, you’ll likely have to leave it outside. That’s why the BirdBike has a built-in anti-theft alarm that reaches up to 120 dB of sound, which is comparable to an ambulance’s siren.
Upgrade your commute with the BirdBike e-bike, now only $900 with free shipping through October 15 at 11:59 p.m. PT.