How to get a lifetime of language lessons with Rosetta Stone for under $200 now
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How to get a lifetime of language lessons with Rosetta Stone for under $200 now
Access learning courses for 25 different languages with a Rosetta Stone lifetime license.
If you want to learn a new language, formal classes are not your only option. Rosetta Stone has been helping learners master new languages for over 30 years, and right now you can get lifetime access to Rosetta Stone for 46% off.
Until the end of the day on Oct. 15, you can get a lifetime subscription to Rosetta Stone for only $160 when you use the code ROSETTA upon purchase.
This subscription gives you unlimited access to all 25 languages Rosetta Stone offers, including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Japanese, Swedish, and more. Beginner language learners can start with introductory lessons. If you’ve already studied a language you want to brush up on, you can also select more advanced lessons.
Lessons come in multiple formats, but they are typically short and flexible for your schedule. You can build your vocabulary and conversational skills around practical topics like shopping, ordering, and taking a taxi. As you improve, you can also move on to more advanced topics like sharing opinions or discussing pop culture.
If you want to practice your pronunciation, Rosetta Stone’s speech recognition technology, TruAccent™ can listen as you speak and provide curated feedback. You can even compare your accent to a native speaker — just make sure you have a good pair of earbuds or quality speakers on hand to hear the differences in your speech.
While formal language classes are always an option, Rosetta Stone provides an opportunity to fit learning a language into any schedule. You can even access your account on multiple desktop and mobile devices.
Purchase a Rosetta Stone Lifetime Subscription for only $160 now when you enter ROSETTA at checkout.