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<div content="LIST ITEM" superlative="Best cable ISP in Augusta, GA" linktext="Read our WideOpenWest internet review" linkurl="https://www.cnet.com/home/internet/wow-internet-review/" like="" dislike="" offer="{"id":"dd533129-d3e9-4b84-a4fb-a778e8619bca","label":"WOW! Internet","slug":"wow-internet","edition":["us"],"imageId":"","imgUrl":"","imageHeight":0,"imageWidth":0,"typeLabel":"Product","objectType":"content_product","icon":""}" techobjectinfo="{"uuid":"dd533129-d3e9-4b84-a4fb-a778e8619bca","name":"WOW! Internet","slug":"wow-internet","productType":"PRODUCT","updateType":"PRISM","mod":1696527784306,"displayDate":"Thu Oct 05 2023 13:43:04 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"}" overridecredit="" overridecaption="

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Best cable ISP in Augusta, GA

. . . Or call to order: Call to Learn More (888) 909-0248

Product details

Price range $20 – $95 per month Speed range 100 – 1,200Mbps Connection Cable Key Info Good promo prices, no contracts, unlimited data on some plans

Xfinity is the biggest name in cable internet in Augusta, but I’d say WideOpenWest is the best one. Overall pricing is a bit lower, though Xfinity has a cheaper 1,200Mbps plan, and service terms are more customer-friendly.

Availability: You’ll find WOW available in Augusta’s city center and out in Harlem to the west, Kioke to the north and Rain Tree to the south. Serviceability is a bit random in each neighborhood, but overall coverage is better than AT&T Fiber. WOW serviceability does not extend much over the South Carolina border. 

Plans and pricing: WOW plans range from $20 to $95 per month, including the jump to the 1,200Mbps plan. Otherwise, WOW plans start at $20 for speeds up to 100Mbps to $50 for 1,000Mbps, with two plans (200 and 500Mbps) in between. After one year, rates on these cheaper plans may increase by $15 to $25 per month.

Fees and service details: Renting Wi-Fi equipment will add $10 to your bill, but you can use your own compatible router and skip the fee. Each plan, save for the 1,200Mbps tier, comes with a monthly data cap ranging from 1.5TB to 3TB, depending on your chosen plan. A fee of up to $50 may apply for going over. There are no contracts, and WOW offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Read our WideOpenWest internet review.

. . . Or call to order: Call to Learn More (888) 909-0248

<div content="LIST ITEM" superlative="Best wireless internet in Augusta, GA" linktext="Read our Verizon 5G Home Internet review" linkurl="https://www.cnet.com/home/internet/verizon-5g-home-internet-review/" like="" dislike="" offer="{"id":"4ad18c97-f185-444f-818b-43e229b896fa","label":"Verizon 5G Home Internet","slug":"verizon-5g-home-internet","edition":["us"],"imageId":"","imgUrl":"","imageHeight":0,"imageWidth":0,"typeLabel":"Product","objectType":"content_product","icon":""}" techobjectinfo="{"uuid":"4ad18c97-f185-444f-818b-43e229b896fa","name":"Verizon 5G Home Internet","slug":"verizon-5g-home-internet","productType":"PRODUCT","updateType":"PRISM","mod":1696530839277,"displayDate":"Thu Oct 05 2023 14:33:59 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"}" overridecredit="" overridecaption="

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Verizon 5G Home Internet

Best wireless internet in Augusta, GA

. . . Or call to order: Call to Learn More (877) 545-6781

Product details

Price range $50 – $70 per month (50% off for eligible 5G mobile customers) Speed range 85 – 1,000Mbps Connection Fixed wireless Key Info Unlimited data, no contracts, free equipment, 50% discount for qualifying Verizon mobile customers

AT&T, WOW and Xfinity are great choices for home internet. Still, if you’re curious about alternatives to traditional wired services, Verizon’s 5G Home Internet may be the best option in Augusta.

Availability: Verizon’s Ultra Wideband network covers much of the Augusta area, according to the provider’s availability map. That doesn’t necessarily mean you can get home internet, even if you can get 5G on your phone, but it doesn’t rule out any particular areas (other than around the airport), either. 

Plans and pricing: Verizon 5G Home starts at $50 per month for expected speeds in the 50 to 300Mbps range. For $20 more, you can upgrade to Verizon 5G Home Plus for the faster speed range of 85 to 1,000Mbps. 

Verizon mobile customers may be eligible for a monthly discount of $15 off the Home plan or $25 off Home Plus.

Fees and service details: There are no equipment fees, data caps or contracts with Verizon 5G Home Internet.

Read our Verizon 5G Home Internet review.

. . . Or call to order: Call to Learn More (877) 545-6781

Augusta internet providers compared

Provider Internet technology Monthly price range Speed range (Mbps) Monthly equipment costs Data cap Contract CNET review score
AT&T Fiber Fiber $55-$250 300-5,000 None None None 7.4
T-Mobile Home Internet Fixed wireless $50 ($30 with eligible mobile plans) 72-245 None None None 7.4
Verizon 5G Home Internet Fixed wireless $50-$70 ($35-$45 for eligible Verizon Wireless customers) 50-1,000 None None None 7.2
WideOpenWest Cable $20-$95 100-1,200 $10 (optional) Varies, 1.5TB to unlimited None 7.2
Xfinity Cable $20-$85 75-1,200 $15 (optional) 1.2TB 1-2 years for lowest pricing 7
Show more (1 item)

Source: CNET analysis of provider data

Other potential internet options in Augusta

Cheap internet in Augusta

Excluding satellite internet and mobile discounts with wireless service, the average starting price of internet in Augusta is $39 per month. WOW and Xfinity have the cheapest monthly rate for internet at $20, but WOW offers more speed (100Mbps compared to 75Mbps) and doesn’t require a contract to get the lowest rate.

Cheapest internet plans in Augusta

Plan Starting monthly price Max download speed (Mbps) Monthly equipment fee
WOW Internet 100 $20 100 $10 (optional)
Xfinity Connect $20 75 $15 (optional)
T-Mobile Home Internet $50 ($30 with eligible mobile plans) 72-245 None
Verizon 5G Home Internet $50 ($35 with eligible mobile plans) 50-300 None
AT&T Fiber 300 $55 300 None
Show more (1 item)

Source: CNET analysis of provider data

How to find internet deals and promotions in Augusta

The best internet deals and the top promotions in Augusta depend on what discounts are available during that time period. Most deals are short-lived, but we look frequently for the latest offers. 

Augusta internet providers such as WOW may offer lower introductory pricing or other incentives for a limited time. Many, however, including AT&T Fiber and Xfinity, run the same standard pricing year-round. 

For a more extensive list of deals, check out our guide on the best internet deals

How fast is Augusta broadband?

Recent Ookla speed test data reports median speeds of 202Mbps down and 26Mbps up in Augusta. That’s somewhat below the national average (210Mbps) but a good 25Mbps better than the state average (177Mbps).

AT&T Fiber has the fastest plans in Augusta. Along with a 1Gbps plan starting at $80 per month, AT&T Fiber offers a 2Gbps and 5Gbps plan starting at $180 and $250 per month, respectively. WOW and Xfinity both offer a 1.2Gbps plan for under $100 per month, and Verizon’s 5G service is capable of delivering gig speeds for $70 per month.

Fastest internet plans in Augusta

Plan Starting price Max download speed (Mbps) Max upload speed (Mbps) Data cap Connection type
AT&T Fiber 5000 $250 5,000 5,000 None Fiber
AT&T Fiber 2000 $180 2,000 2,000 None Fiber
Xfinity Gigabit Extra $85 1,200 35 1.2TB Cable
WOW Internet 1.2 Gig $95 1,200 50 None Cable
Verizon 5G Home Plus Internet $70 ($45 with qualifying Verizon 5G mobile plans) 85-1,000 75 None Fixed wireless
T-Mobile Home Internet $50 ($30 with eligible mobile plans) 72-245 15-31 None Fixed wireless
Show more (2 items)

Source: CNET analysis of provider data

What’s a good internet speed?

Most internet plans can now handle basic productivity and communication tasks. If you’re looking for an internet plan that can accommodate videoconferencing, streaming video or gaming, you’ll have a better experience with a more robust connection. Here’s an overview of the recommended minimum download speeds for various applications, according to the FCC. Note that these are only guidelines — and that internet speed, service and performance vary by connection type, provider and address.

For more information, refer to our guide on how much internet speed you really need

How CNET chose the best internet providers in Augusta

Internet service providers are numerous and regional. Unlike the latest smartphone, laptop, router or kitchen tool, it’s impractical to personally test every ISP in a given city. So what’s our approach? We start by researching the pricing, availability and speed information drawing on our own historical ISP data, the provider sites and mapping information from the Federal Communications Commission at FCC.gov.

But it doesn’t end there. We go to the FCC’s website to check our data and ensure we consider every ISP that provides service in an area. We also input local addresses on provider websites to find specific options for residents. We look at sources, including the American Customer Satisfaction Index and J.D. Power, to evaluate how happy customers are with an ISP’s service. ISP plans and prices are subject to frequent changes; all information provided is accurate as of the time of publication.

Once we have this localized information, we ask three main questions:

  1. Does the provider offer access to reasonably fast internet speeds?
  2. Do customers get decent value for what they’re paying?
  3. Are customers happy with their service?

While the answer to those questions is often layered and complex, the providers who come closest to “yes” on all three are the ones we recommend. When it comes to selecting the cheapest internet service, we look for the plans with the lowest monthly fee, though we also factor in things like price increases, equipment fees and contracts. Choosing the fastest internet service is relatively straightforward. We look at advertised upload and download speeds, and also take into account real-world speed data from sources like Ookla and FCC reports.

What’s the final word on internet providers in Augusta?

AT&T Fiber would be my first choice for home internet in Augusta, but availability is limited. You’ll likely find the speeds, reliability and overall value tough to beat if it’s available at your address.

WOW and Xfinity are also solid choices for home internet, though WOW is generally cheaper, has a higher data cap and doesn’t require a contract to get the lowest price.

T-Mobile and Verizon offer a low-cost, virtually no-risk alternative to traditional wired home internet service, but Verizon’s 5G Home Internet presents a faster speed potential for around the same monthly price.

Internet providers in Augusta FAQs

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What is the best internet service provider in Augusta?

AT&T Fiber is the area’s best internet service provider thanks to its selection of competitively priced plans that feature symmetrical uploand and download speeds delivered over a 100% fiber-optic network.

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Is fiber internet available in Augusta?

Fiber internet is available to approximately 30% of houesholds in the greater Augusta area, according to the FCC. AT&T Fiber is the primary fiber internet provider in Augusta, but South Carolina residents on the other side of the Savannah may be eligible for fiber service from Breezeline.

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Who is the cheapest internet provider in Augusta?

WOW and Xfinity are the cheapest internet providers in Augusta with a starting price of $20 per month. You’ll get a little more speed with WOW (100Mbps compared with 75Mbps) than Xfinity, and WOW doesn’t require a contract in order to get the lowest price. Additionally, WOW’s cheapest plan comes with 1.5TB of data per month whereas Xfinity has a monthly cap of 1.2TB.

<div data-id="listicle-0c85140c-4171-4cbf-93ac-0e920f2b0373" data-cy="shortcodeListicle" data-location="LIST" data-position="9" content="LIST ITEM" superlative="" page-position="" linktext="" linkurl="" like="" dislike="" image-carousel="[]" can-collapse="false" collapse-on-page-load="false" can-truncate="false" truncate-on-page-load="false" offer="" techobjectinfo="" overridecredit="" overridecaption="

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Which internet provider in Augusta offers the fastest plan?

AT&T Fiber is by far the fastest provider in Augusta with a 5,000Mbps plan starting at $250 per month. It also has the second-fastest plan: 2,000Mbps starting at $180 per month. WOW and Xfinity offer a 1,200Mbps starting at $95 and $85 per month, respectively.

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