Get this stock screener tool now for $100
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Get this stock screener tool now for $100
Save an extra $20 on Tykr’s stock screener tool now.
The past few years revealed that prices of anything — from gas to groceries to rent — can skyrocket higher and higher. Inflation isn’t going anywhere, but you can do a few things to try and beat it.
Investing in stocks or cryptocurrencies can help. If you’re unfamiliar with either, you might find a stock screener tool like Tykr helpful. Now through Oct. 15, a lifetime subscription to Tykr is an extra $20 off when you use code STOCK at checkout.
Investing made simple
Tykr won’t tell you what to invest in or when, but it will equip you with powerful resources and insight so you can make informed decisions. Use their advanced search function to browse over thirty-thousand US and international stocks and 2,500 cryptocurrencies.
Instead of having to research the price trends and gauge the level of risk on your own, Tykr does it for you with a summary and score of each stock. At just a glance, see if a stock is a potential buy or sell, or something to add to your watch list. If you’re interested in the behind-the-scenes details, check out simple charts and financial statements.
More than just a stock screening tool
A few other tools included in your lifetime subscription are a portfolio tracker to compile your investments and monitor their performance, an option to set up real-time alerts when stocks change in status or price, and an online community of investors to interact with, including free webinars from the founder himself.
Get a lifetime subscription to Tykr for an extra $20 off when you use code STOCK until Oct. 15 at 11:59 p.m. PT.