Create a lifetime of e-books with AI for only $35
‘ZDNET Recommends’: What exactly does it mean?
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Create a lifetime of e-books with AI for only $35
Create endless books with AI for just $35.
Have you always dreamed of writing a book, but don’t have the time and no idea where to start? Thanks to the advances in artificial intelligence, you can now create your e-book from scratch with just three simple clicks using My AI eBook Creation Pro.
Right now a lifetime subscription is currently available to new users for only $35, saving you 91%.
My AI eBook Creation Pro is powered by the AI in ChatGPT, so there is no software to download and install. You need no writing or AI experience whatsoever, and the interface is very intuitive. Breathe life into your story, then let ChatGPT AI swiftly and seamlessly transform it into a polished e-book.
The program still allows for personalization and customization, while also being user-friendly. Make your book engaging and captivating by tweaking any aspect of it that you wish.
If you find just the thought of completing an entire book overwhelming, then My AI eBook Creation Pro could be a good option for you. Now you can ditch all those complicated AI writing platforms and devote your efforts to developing ideas for your story.
With a lifetime subscription, create, sell, and profit as many times as you like. You’ll need a desktop or laptop computer to access the platform and updates are included.
Get a lifetime subscription to My AI eBook Creation Pro while it’s still available to new users for just $35.