How to quickly adjust the font size on Android 14 for easier readability
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How to quickly adjust the font size on Android 14 for easier readability
June Wan/ZDNET
On many occasions, I’ve been out and about, only to find I’ve forgotten my glasses. That’s a problem for my aging eyes. When that happens, if I need to read my phone, I’m in trouble. No matter how far I stretch my arms, the text remains blurry. I am not, after all, Stretch Armstrong.
Although I can sometimes use a multi-touch gesture to zoom in and finally read the tiny text, that strategy doesn’t always work. Fortunately, Google has added a handy way to solve that problem in Android 14.
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With the addition of a Quick Tile to the Notification Shade, you can easily and quickly make the font size larger when you need it — and back to a smaller size when you don’t.
Let me show you how to add and use the font-size feature on your Android 14 device.
How to add the Font size Quick Tile
What you’ll need: The only thing you’ll need for this trick is a device running Android 14. That OS has only been released for Pixel Phones — and there’s no definitive time frame as to when it will trickle down to other devices.
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So, for the time being, this trick only applies to Pixel Phones (until other manufacturers receive Android 14). With that said, let me show you how to add this feature.
1. Open the Notification Shade
After logging in to your Android device, pull the Notification Shade down twice. Once you’ve done that, tap on the Pencil icon at the bottom right of the Quick Tiles section to open the Quick Tiles editor.
To open the Quick Tiles editor, tap the pencil icon.
Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNET
2. Add the Font size Quick Tile
Scroll down through the various Quick Tiles until you find one labeled Font size. Once you’ve located it, tap and drag it into the upper section, which includes your active Quick Tiles.
After doing that task, you can then rearrange the order of the Quick Tiles, so they’re exactly how you want them. If you know you’ll use this Quick Tile often, you might want to drag it so it lives on the first page of Quick Tiles in the Notification Shade.
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When you’ve placed the Font size Quick Tile exactly where you want it, tap the left-pointing arrow in the upper-left corner of the Notification Shade to close the editor.
You can place the Font size tile anywhere in the Quick Tiles section that you like.
Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNET
Using the Font size Quick Tile
Now that you’ve added the Quick Tile for fast font-size adjustment, how do you use it?
1. Reveal the Quick Tiles
Pull down the Notification Shade twice and you should see the Quick Tiles. If you didn’t place the Font size tile on the first page, you’ll have to swipe to the left until you find it.
I’ve added the Font size tile to the front page of the Quick Tiles section of my Notification Shade.
Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNET
2. Adjust the font size
Tap the Font size Quick Tile and, in the resulting popup, adjust the font size to suit your needs. If your situation requires larger fonts, tap +. If smaller fonts are in order, tap -. When the font is as large or small as needed, tap Done.
Adjust the font size such that you can read the text and tap Done.
Screenshot by Jack Wallen/ZDNET
Congratulations, you’ve just made it far easier to read your phone when your eyes aren’t up to the task. Now, it you leave your readers at home, you’ll still be able to view the text from your significant other reminding you to not forget a critical item on your shopping list.