Unlock your musical potential with $460 savings on guitar e-lessons
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Unlock your musical potential with $460 savings on guitar e-lessons
Learn guitar for just $20.
Along with continuous learning and skill enhancement in the tech domain, it’s also important to have a creative outlet. If you’re a lover of music, you may have considered picking up a guitar at one point or another, and this deal on online, self-paced guitar courses might be an opportune time to make that dream a reality.
This guitar lessons bundle packs in twelve courses and nearly eighty hours of content, all for $20. It includes lifetime access so you can truly learn at your own pace.
Another perk of this course bundle’s self-paced nature is being able to completely curate your learning plan. While you may want to start with a course like Beginner Guitar Lessons Crash Course to cover the basics like how to read tablature, name notes, and practice strumming and chords, you can jump around as needed.
You’ll find courses like: Guitar Technique to study hammer-ons, pull-offs, and sweeping; Fingerstyle for methods like open-handed strumming; Songwriting to create chord productions and arrange your own songs; Ear Training to identify pitches just by listening; and Guitar Lessons to practice with videos and jam tracks.
There are also lessons in genres like jazz, bluegrass, children’s songs, and even Christmas tunes. Whether you’re hoping to become a seasoned pro or play for friends and family this holiday season, these courses may be the place to start.
You’ll be learning from Dan Dresnok who has been teaching guitar for over thirty years. He’s worked as a performer, recording studio guitarist, and has extensive knowledge across genres.
Express your creativity and love for music with this 12-course guitar lessons e-learning bundle on sale now.