TikTok’s Bow Trend Gets Absurd
“I saw one comment that was talking about how the ice cubes melting kind of represents how feminine beauty is viewed in society,” she said. “And I was like, ‘Whoa, that is deep.’”
Chrissy Trovato, who works in influencer marketing for a jewelry company, said she was inspired to make a bow video of her own after a few popped up on her For You page. Noticing that she had some pink ribbon left over from a work event, she tied bows on her TV remote and other random objects in her Manhattan apartment. Then she took out her phone and filmed them.
In her 10-second video, which is also set to Ms. Del Rey’s “Let the Light In,” the bowed objects take on an uncanny look. Ms. Trovato, 25, captioned the video “Coquette Girl.”
The act of tying bows on everyday objects and filming them for social media videos might be a parody of the way the internet invents and circulates trends at warp speed, she said. She cited the spread this year of so-called blueberry milk nails, a fingernail polish trend that took off on TikTok this year, thanks in part to it catchy descriptor.
“We don’t need to come up with a name for everything,” Ms. Trovato said. “I think this might be making a joke almost about many of the trends that are out there.”
One question remains: Does the recent spate of absurdist bow videos signal the end of the bow?
“I hope not,” Ms. Palian said. “I’ve been seeing multiple people getting bow tattoos on their bodies.”