Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For Next Two Weeks (December 25- January 5, 2024): Nicole Spends Family Time With Eric, Holly Fights For Her Life
Days of Our Lives Spoilers For Next Two Weeks reveal that there will be some major drama brewing in Salem. While Nicole and Eric have a dream breakfast with their family, it turns into Sloan’s worst nightmare. Stefan leans on EJ for help with Clyde, but will he really help? Elsewhere in Salem, Alex joins the Kiriakis family for Christmas dinner. But will things really be civil in this clan? Also, watch out for a major crisis involving Holly and Tate towards the end of the week of January 1, 2024.
Days Of Our Lives Spoilers (December 25- 29, 2023): Stefan Seeks EJ’s Help, Nicole and Eric Spend Quality Time
Clyde Weston is really becoming a huge menace on Days of Our Lives. Both Ava and Stefan are trying hard to break free from his control and get away from the drug-selling ordeal. In hopes of getting some solid help, Stefan approaches EJ in the upcoming episodes. Given that EJ is now the D.A., he may have some sources that could help put an end to Clyde’s atrocities for good. Some spoilers even suggest that EJ and Stefan’s alliance leads to Clyde ending up dead. However, Ava will go ballistics on Stefan once she learns that he is involving EJ in their matters.

Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that Holly will be blasted for getting drunk on her birthday. However, she cools off once the guilt and realization of neglecting her daughter takes over. The mother and daughter then head out to spend some quality time over breakfast. Once there, they bump into Eric and baby Jude and end up breaking bread together like one happy family. Leo and Sloan happen to chance upon the same cafe and spot Eric and Nicole together. Leo loses no breath before rubbing it into an already affected Sloan’s face.
Kiriakis Family Dinner, Wendy Contemplates Returning Home
Days of Our Lives spoilers reveal that a Christmas Dinner is underway at the Kirakis’ during the week of December 25, 2023. Although Alex had previously decided not to attend, he changed his mind last minute. Thus, he attends the dinner with Theresa as his plus one. However, once there, the awkwardness between him and Justin is very visible. Theresa takes notice and regrets messing it up by forging the letter. But will this guilt trip her enough to confess what she and Konstantin did?

Speaking of Konstantin, there is a chance that he may propose to Maggie at the Christmas dinner on Days of Our Lives. However, there is a chance that the marriage never happens because right after the dinner, he is kidnapped from the park. Who could be behind this kidnapping? And is it really an attempt to derail his marriage plans? Considering how sneaky he is, there is also a possibility that he may orchestrate his own kidnapping to manipulate Maggie.
Elsewhere in Salem, Wendy Shin contemplates returning to China as her mother has been suggesting. However, Tripp Johnson will manage to cheer her up during the festive season on Days of Our Lives. Surprisingly, Wendy also receives unexpected support from Melinda Trask, as they connect over some family similarities. Speaking of family, Christmas might become tough for Chanel and Paulina’s family. The latter may receive some concerning diagnosis from Kayla. Thankfully, Chanel will have Johnny to lean on as she worries for her mother.
Days Of Our Lives Spoilers (January 1-5, 2024): Holly Overdoses, Lands In Hospital
The New Year will start on a dramatically charged note on Days of Our Lives. The spoilers for the week of January 1-5, 2024, reveal that Holly and Tate decide to celebrate NYE together. However, Holly has a different kind of celebration in mind, as she slips some pills with her for the party. In fact, she almost gets busted by Nicole but manages to keep the pills hidden. This is rather unfortunate because the spoilers reveal that Holly ends up overdosing on the pills and lands in the hospital in a rather critical condition.

As Nicole panics over her daughter’s health conditions, things get difficult for Brady and Theresa, too, on Days of Our Lives. The spoilers reveal that Tate gets caught up in the aftermath of Holly’s overdosing and is arrested by the police. What will happen next? Will Holly pull through, and will Brady manage to get Tate off the hooks? Stay tuned to Tech Radar247 for more Days of Our Lives updates on this storyline.