25 Search Strategies You Need to Know – A New Course Starting July 1st

25 Search Strategies You Need to Know - A New Course Starting July 1st

One of the most popular webinars and courses that I’ve hosted over the years have been about search strategies and how to teach them to students. This summer I’m offering a new Practical Ed Tech course on that topic. 

25 Search Strategies You Need to Know is a five-part course in which I’ll teach you my favorite search strategies. More importantly, I’ll teach you how I teach these strategies to students in grades three through twelve. The course includes written lessons, video tutorials, and handouts that you can use with your students. 

Highlights of the course include:

  • How to responsibly use AI search tools like ChatGPT and Bard. 
  • Search guides for your students.
  • Introducing students to alternatives to Google search.
  • Organizing search findings. 
  • Search refinement strategies for all students.
Course Format
25 Search Strategies You Need to Know will be delivered to your inbox as a series of five weekly lessons. The first lesson will be delivered on July 1st at 6am ET. 

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