15 Things That Caught My Eye at ISTE Live Today
15 Things That Caught My Eye at ISTE Live Today
This morning I got up at 2:30, drove to the Portland Jetport (PWM), and flew to Philadelphia to attend ISTE Live. My lack of sleep combined with having to remotely deal with some things at home meant that I wasn’t as focused as I would have liked to have been today. So rather than committing to an hour+ in any specific presentations I wandered around the poster sessions and through the vendor expo hall to see if there were any new-to-me things.
As I wandered the expo hall there were fifteen things that I jotted down in Google Keep on my Pixel phone. I plan to go back and learn more about these things on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the meantime, I put the list into a document in Canva and then used Canva’s Docs to Decks tool to quickly create a slideshow of the items in the list. That slideshow is embedded below and can also be seen here.
15 Things That Caught My Eye at ISTE Live Today – Presentation by richardbyrne
Disclosure: Canva is sponsoring my trip to ISTE Live.