6 key features of SingleStore Kai for MongoDB
Much of the data accumulated in today’s world is in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. However, many of the databases designed with a JSON-first mindset have not been able to provide the sort of in-app analytics available in classic SQL systems, leaving a huge gap in the amount of the world’s data that is able to be analyzed in real time. In an era when even millisecond lags are too slow, this is a gap in the market that needs to be addressed.
SingleStore Kai API for MongoDB is intended to solve this problem, and to do so in a way that is simple and straightforward. Let’s take a closer look at the key features of SingleStore Kai.
100x faster analytics on JSON data
With SingleStore Kai, you can perform complex analytics on JSON data for MongoDB applications faster and more efficiently. On some benchmarks, SingleStoreDB was able to drive 100x faster analytical performance for most queries. How is this speed boost achieved? The SingleStore MongoDB API proxy translates MongoDB queries into SQL statements that are executed by SingleStoreDB to power real-time analytics for your applications.
Vector functionality for JSON
The new era of generative AI requires real-time analytics on all data, including JSON collections. SingleStoreDB supports vectors and fast vector similarity search using the $dotProduct
and $euclideanDistance
functions. With SingleStore Kai, developers can harness the vector and AI capabilities on JSON collections within MongoDB, enabling use cases like semantic search, image recognition, and similarity matching.
No code changes or data transformations
Developers can continue to use existing MongoDB queries. They don’t have to normalize or flatten data, or do extensive schema migrations to power fast analytics for their applications. SingleStore Kai requires no code changes, data transformations, schema migrations, or changes to existing queries.
Same MongoDB tools and drivers
SingleStore Kai supports the MongoDB wire protocol and allows MongoDB clients to communicate with a SingleStoreDB cluster. Developers can take advantage of fast analytics on SingleStoreDB without having to learn a new set of tools or APIs. And they can continue to use the same MongoDB tools and drivers their customers are most familiar with.
Best of both worlds (NoSQL and SQL)
SingleStoreDB was already MySQL wire protocol compatible. With the addition of SingleStore Kai for MongoDB, the database gives developers essentially the best of both worlds—the schema flexibility and simplicity of a JSON document store and the speed, efficiency, and complex analytical capabilities of a relational SQL database.
Easy data replication
As part of this MongoDB API offering, SingleStoreDB includes a fast and efficient replication service (in private preview) that copies MongoDB collections into SingleStoreDB. This service is natively integrated into SingleStoreDB and leverages one of SingleStore’s most widely used features, SingleStore Pipelines, to drive speedy replication and real-time change data capture, enabling customers to get started quickly and easily.
Real-time data and real-time analytics play a crucial role in modern business. With SingleStore Kai, regardless of whether you traditionally work in SQL or NoSQL, you now have the ability to do real-time analytics on the majority of data in our fast-moving world.
Jason Thorsness is a principal software engineer at SingleStore.
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