JetBrains previews RustRover IDE for Rust development
JetBrains is previewing a dedicated IDE for the Rust programming language, called RustRover, which combines coding assistance with an integrated Rust toolchain.
Available in preview September 13, RustRover is positioned to simplify the Rust coding experience while “unlocking the language’s full potential,” JetBrains said. Capabilities include real-time feedback, code suggestions, simplified toolchain management, and team collaboration.
Previously, JetBrains offered IntelliJ Rust, an open source Rust plugin for IntelliJ IDEs. But with RustRover, the company aims to provide a dedicated product with enhanced functionality for the growing Rust developer community. JetBrains also has been previewing a multi-language editor and IDE, called JetBrains Fleet, that supports Rust development.
To join the preview of RustRover, developers can visit Key features of RustRover include:
- Rust toolchain support including support for the Rust compiler.
- Version control system integration, with GitHub and Git support. Users are able to streamline collaboration and control for teams.
- Error detection and real-time feedback for debugging.
- Support for front-end technologies and databases.
- Permissive completion and parsing including smart code suggestions even in unconventional contexts.
- Unit testing integration for testing, rerunning failed tests, and resolving errors.
RustRover will have some similarities to JetBrains’ other language-specific IDEs including PyCharm for Python, GoLand for Go, and RubyMine for Ruby.
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