Uber will return your packages to UPS, FedEx, or USPS now - how it works
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Uber will return your packages to UPS, FedEx, or USPS now – how it works
Getty Images/Anadolu Agency/Contributor
If you need to return a package but can’t find the time to take it to a UPS, FedEx, or USPS location, an Uber driver will take it for you.
Uber announced that it’s offering the service to people who need someone to return their packages for them. Customers can send up to five packages with one driver for $5, and Uber One members pay $3.
The new service, called “Return a package,” is available in many metro areas across the U.S.
Uber’s Return a package would make returning items bought from an e-commerce site like Temu a lot easier. Temu’s return policy requires customers to return their packages to a USPS location, and most times, people work during the post office’s hours.
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Uber’s Return a package service is a part of Uber Connect, the company’s service that offers same-day delivery for local deliveries.
Uber Connect caters to small businesses sending small or homemade products, and other businesses that need items delivered across town on the same day. It’s also marketed towards people looking to deliver small items to family and friends at the last minute.
In the Uber app, customers can select “Package,” and an Uber driver will meet them to collect their package. When the driver is delivering the package, customers can track the driver’s location in real time.
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Uber Connect does not allow customers to send packages that weigh more than 30 pounds and are worth more than $100.