Don't miss this 2023 MacBook Air M2's all-time low price for October Prime Day
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Don’t miss this 2023 MacBook Air M2’s all-time low price for October Prime Day
Apple’s 2023 MacBook Air M2 is currently $250 off during Prime Big Deal Days.
June Wan/ZDNET
Apple’s 2023 MacBook Air with M2 chip is one of ZDNET’s picks for best laptops, and our reviews editor June Wan’s most-recommended laptop thanks to its combination of portability, performance, and price. The latter is even better during Amazon’s October Prime Big Deal Days sale — you can buy the latest 15-inch MacBook Air for an all-time low price of $1,049. The sale ends tonight, so if you want to take advantage, you’ll want to act fast — we aren’t sure if it will still be available after.
The 2023 MacBook Air M2 features a sleek and modern design and MagSafe charging, along with a six-speaker sound system, two USB-C/Thunderbolt ports, and an 18 hour battery life. It weighs just over 3 pounds, making it one of the lighter laptops of its size.
For more, check out ZDNET’s hands-on review.