These Amazon kids offerings just went live today
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These Amazon kids offerings just went live today
Maria Diaz/ZDNET
If you have an Amazon Echo device and kids, you probably know what an entertaining combination they make. I’ve got countless videos of my kids and toddler trying to get Alexa to play music or tell a joke. It’s a sign of the times and Amazon knows it.
Now, Amazon is officially making Explore with Alexa available on Echo devices to boost the relationship between kids and its technology.
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Explore with Alexa will give your most curious children a run for their money, and encourage those who aren’t as curious to dig a little deeper. When a child asks Alexa for a dinosaur joke, Alexa will share one and then encourage them to explore further by asking if they’d like to hear something interesting about dinosaurs.
This feature is powered by information from trusted sources, such as the World Wildlife Fund and A-Z Animals, and will be available on Echo devices that are set up with a child profile and have access to Amazon Kids+.
And if you’re looking for an Echo device to use Explore with Alexa, the brand new Amazon Echo Pop Kids also just went on sale today. As a compact smart speaker made for children, the Echo Pop is a powerful device that makes Alexa fit seamlessly into small spaces.
Also: How to make Alexa bilingual
The Echo Pop Kids is available for $50 and comes in a choice of a Disney Princess or Marvel design.