Bose TV speaker, soundbar just dropped to less than $200 on Amazon
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Bose TV speaker, soundbar just dropped to less than $200 on Amazon
The Super Bowl is nearly here, and with the major sporting event, you might want to improve your home entertainment system at the last minute.
If a new TV soundbar is what you’re looking for, we have a budget-friendly option for you. Currently on sale at Amazon, Bose’s TV speaker, a soundbar that will slot neatly under your TV, is available for a 29% discount. You would normally expect to pay $279, but with a price reduction of $80, the sale price is now $199.
The Bose TV speaker is an affordable soundbar without bells and whistles. Bose describes the small soundbar as a “simple fix for better sound,” provided by two drivers and technology tuned to enhance vocals and pronunciation. The speaker has Bluetooth connectivity, HDMI ports, Optical and AUX connectors, and also comes with a remote.
Also: What is a bookshelf speaker, and which brand is best?
ZDNET Recommends
Another deal worth investigating is a premium Bose soundbar that is also on sale at Amazon. Available in black or white, the Bose Smart soundbar 900 is based on Dolby Atmos audio and has both Bluetooth connectivity and Alexa compatibility.
Amazon is offering 22% off, or a $200 discount, bringing the cost down from $899 to $699. You can also purchase an additional bass module.
Also: The best speakers you can buy
You can check out all of Amazon’s Bose promotions here.
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