Best 3D Printing Slicer: PrusaSlicer, Cura and More – CNET

Best 3D Printing Slicer: PrusaSlicer, Cura and More - CNET

Screenshot by James Bricknell/CNET

In 2013, when Simplify3D was released, it was an astounding jump forward for 3D printing. As a slicer, it was leagues beyond anything that was available at the time, with an intuitive interface and some of the best supports in the business. I started using it in 2017, and while it was still pretty good, it barely received any updates and other slicers were starting to catch up. It was still good at supports and produced great quality prints, but a lot of new machines weren’t available and the support had vanished.

That all changed in December 2022, when Simplify3D was finally updated to version 5.0. There are a lot of new features, and a whole array of new printers supported, so it could be time for a comeback. The company may have a way to go to win back hearts, but from what I have seen the software is looking good.

If you’ve ever owned Simplify3D you can get version 5.0 for $60, but if you’re looking to buy it new it’ll set you back $199. That’s a lot to ask for a slicer, but if the chatter around 5.0 is right, it might be worth it.

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