How to Make a Public Archive of Your Tweets

How to Make a Public Archive of Your Tweets

It’s understandable if you’re less enthusiastic about Twitter now than you were five years ago—the vibes are, as they say, off. You might even be contemplating deleting your tweets or setting your account to private. Either way, you have to ask: Do you really want all of your tweets to disappear from the web? Forever?

There’s a happy medium, it turns out. You can make your own archive of tweets and even share it on your personal website. Here’s how.

Download Your Twitter Archive

Twitter offers a service to help you download your data. To get started, head to Twitter in your web browser, open the settings, and click the Download an archive of your data button.

Twitter via Justin Pot

You will be asked to verify your identity via SMS or email, after which you’ll be told that Twitter is processing your request. Assuming whatever servers Twitter still has are up and running, you will eventually get a message that your archive is ready. It comes in a ZIP file. You can explore your Twitter history inside this archive, if you want.

Twitter via Justin Pot

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