Category: Actuator

The robots are already here

The robots are already here In a blog post published last week, Meta asks, “Where are the robots?” The answer is simple. They’re here. You...

Conventional wisdom

Conventional wisdom If you’d told me five years ago that I would be flying to Chicago in March to attend a supply chain and logistics...

Barcelona nights

Barcelona nights I’ve yet to walk the entire floor at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year (that’s the goal for this afternoon), but my...

Two days in the Bay

Two days in the Bay It was genuinely a bit surreal seeing deep green hills in the South Bay last week. Growing up in Fremont,...


Autonomation “Jidoka” is a new one to me. TRI (Toyota Research Institute) CEO Gill Pratt described the concept as “Automation with a Human Touch.” The...

Hype machines

Hype machines The age-old question in my industry is, “Where are we in a given hype cycle?” For now, crypto news cycle dominance has, thankfully,...

Then call them ‘robots’

Then call them ‘robots’ Before they were robots, they were “androids” or “automatons.” The word “robot” is commonly accepted as having arrived in English through...

Building up and tearing down

Building up and tearing down I managed to squeeze the remaining vestiges out of CES 2023 in last week’s Actuator. The good news is that...