Brain waves can tell us how much pain someone is in
Brain waves can tell us how much pain someone is in Brain signals can be used to detect how much pain a person is experiencing,...
The FDA just approved rub-on gene therapy that helps “butterfly” children
The FDA just approved rub-on gene therapy that helps “butterfly” children “I think it is really exciting, but I do worry about how durable the...
I just met the founders of a would-be longevity state
I just met the founders of a would-be longevity state My journey to Zuzalu wasn’t straightforward. My 3 a.m. train to the airport was canceled,...
A soft e-skin mimics the way human skin can sense things
A soft e-skin mimics the way human skin can sense things It was created by a team of researchers from Stanford University, who implanted soft...
Why tiny viruses could be our best bet against antimicrobial resistance
Why tiny viruses could be our best bet against antimicrobial resistance In 2010, Lilli Holst, an undergraduate student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South...
This new genome map tries to capture all human genetic variation
This new genome map tries to capture all human genetic variation The reason a reference genome is important is that when a new person’s genome...
Brain surgery on a fetus
Brain surgery on a fetus Her parents signed up for a clinical trial of an in-utero surgical treatment to see if doctors could intervene before...
Doctors have performed brain surgery on a fetus in one of the first operations of its kind
Doctors have performed brain surgery on a fetus in one of the first operations of its kind Her parents signed up for a clinical trial...
Brain scans can translate a person’s thoughts into words
Brain scans can translate a person’s thoughts into words The researchers also showed the participants short Pixar videos that didn’t contain any dialogue, and recorded...
How bugs and chemicals in your poo could give away exactly what you’ve eaten
How bugs and chemicals in your poo could give away exactly what you’ve eaten It was tricky to find specific bugs associated with specific foods,...