Mark Data Privacy Day by Locking Down Your Online Life – CNET Yes, Data Privacy Day is a completely made-up event, but it’s as good a time as any to take a…
Category: Uncategorized
Workers want more AI to get rid of their office busywork, says Microsoft survey
Workers want more AI to get rid of their office busywork, says Microsoft survey Home & Office Home Home & Office Work Life Productivity Workers want more AI to get rid of…
A Virtual Burning Man Experience Is Throwing a Goodbye Party for Today's VR – CNET
A Virtual Burning Man Experience Is Throwing a Goodbye Party for Today's VR – CNET I found myself on a virtual bus, driving in the dust. My avatar, and a few others,…
The first AI-written speech delivered by congressman is as flavorless as you’d expect
The first AI-written speech delivered by congressman is as flavorless as you’d expect We’ve reached the political stunt stage of AI-generated text, it seems. As reported by WBZ NewsRadio, CBS Boston, and…
The 5 best dash cams of 2023
The 5 best dash cams of 2023 With winter weather in full swing, drivers have to be much more aware of their surroundings as freezing temperatures, snow, and sleet can make roads…
Get ready: Microsoft says it will start auto-upgrading Windows 11 21H2 PCs
Get ready: Microsoft says it will start auto-upgrading Windows 11 21H2 PCs />
Best file compression apps for macOS and iOS
Best file compression apps for macOS and iOS File compression on the Mac has been around since nearly as long has the line itself has. Here are our top picks for squeezing…
Google services to offer more accurate information in compliance with EU
Google services to offer more accurate information in compliance with EU Many of Google’s offerings will soon be updated to provide clear and accurate information in compliance with consumer protection laws in…
Mastodon relationship graphs
Mastodon relationship graphs The new release of Steampipe is all about relationship graphs. Our blog post shows how these graphs provide contextual awareness for devops and security pros who can now see…
The downsides of cloud-native solutions
The downsides of cloud-native solutions A recent study by Gartner predicts that by 2025 more than 95% of application workloads will exist on cloud-native platforms (up from 30% in 2021). I tend not to…