This Is How You Really Feel About Apple's iPhone 15 Event (and USB-C) – CNET

This Is How You Really Feel About Apple's iPhone 15 Event (and USB-C) - CNET

This Is How You Really Feel About Apple’s iPhone 15 Event (and USB-C)

One More Thing: We combed through your comments to see what matters most to you for the next iPhone and Apple Watches.

Bridget Carey Principal Video Producer
Bridget Carey is an award-winning reporter who helps you level-up your life — while having a good time geeking out. Her exclusive CNET videos get you behind the scenes as she covers new trends, experiences and quirky gadgets. Her weekly video show, “One More Thing,” explores what’s new in the world of Apple and what’s to come. She started as a reporter at The Miami Herald with syndicated newspaper columns for product reviews and social media advice. Now she’s a mom who also stays on top of toy industry trends and robots. (Kids love robots.)
Expertise Consumer technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta, social media, mobile, robots, future tech, immersive technology, toys, culture Credentials

  • Bridget has spent over 18 years as a consumer tech reporter, hosting daily tech news shows and writing syndicated newspaper columns. She’s often a guest on national radio and television stations, including ABC, CBS, CNBC and NBC.
Bridget Carey


On Tuesday, Apple is expected to reveal new iPhones and Apple Watches at its “Wonderlust”-themed event, hosted at the Apple Park company headquarters. Reporters will go hands-on with the next generation of Apple’s biggest moneymaker — and see how reality compares with our expectations.

Last month, Apple acknowledged the there’s a slowdown in the smartphone market, as reported by Bloomberg. This may be one of several reasons why Apple may have to work a little harder this year to convince people to upgrade (and convince us to pay more).

But rather than speculate on rumors — we’ve done plenty of that already — I wanted to hear from our viewers. What matters most in your decisions to upgrade your iPhone and Apple Watch? 

In this week’s episode of One More Thing, embedded above, I highlight the comments you’ve left on our recent videos about the upcoming iPhone 15 event. And in a few days, when we tune to Apple’s live streamed presentation, we’ll see if the company is able to address the real desires and concerns folks have on their minds now.

Turns out, the reported switch from Lightning to USB-C ports is a highly charged issue. And many commenters also said they’re fine waiting longer to upgrade, especially when an $89 battery replacement might be the only thing you need to fix an older phone.

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